Insight: BoJ Governor Kazuo Ueda’s Press Conference Remarks


In today’s press conference following the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ) policy meeting, Governor Kazuo Ueda provided significant insights into the central bank’s current thinking and future monetary policy direction. The governor’s comments suggest a nuanced approach to Japan’s economic challenges, emphasizing a delicate balance between continued monetary support and responsiveness to evolving economic conditions.

Key Takeaways from Governor Ueda’s Comments

  1. Conditional Policy Adjustment: Governor Ueda indicated that while the BoJ is committed to maintaining easy financial conditions for now, it remains vigilant and ready to adjust the degree of monetary easing if the underlying inflation rate rises significantly. This suggests a reactive rather than proactive stance toward inflationary pressures, highlighting the BoJ’s flexible approach to its longstanding easing program.
  2. Economic Recovery and Weakness: The acknowledgment of a moderate recovery with some persistent economic weaknesses underlines the cautious optimism within the BoJ. The central bank appears to be preparing for potential shifts in policy should these “weaknesses” begin to undermine the broader recovery.
  3. Financial and FX Market Movements: The governor’s emphasis on the importance of financial and FX market movements reflects a broader concern about external influences on Japan’s economic stability. While stating that monetary policy is not aimed directly at controlling FX rates, he noted that significant FX fluctuations, particularly those affecting inflation, could influence future policy decisions.
  4. Inflation Outlook and Yen Weakness: Interestingly, Governor Ueda linked the FY2024 inflation outlook upgrade partly to higher crude prices and to some extent to the weaker yen. This connection between currency depreciation and inflation highlights a critical area of concern for the BoJ, especially given the recent significant depreciation of the yen.
  5. Future Policy Tools and JGB Purchases: The potential reduction in Japanese Government Bond (JGB) buying signals a cautious step towards normalization, though the governor clarified that this would not be used as a proactive tool but rather as an adjustment mechanism considering the impact on long-term yields.

Implications for the Japanese Yen and the Nikkei

  1. Japanese Yen: Governor Ueda’s remarks suggest that while the BoJ is not aiming to control the FX rate directly, it is acutely aware of the yen’s movements and their inflationary implications. This could mean that if the yen continues to weaken and significantly impacts inflation, the BoJ might consider tightening measures sooner than anticipated. However, the acknowledgment of a potential prolonged weak yen without immediate intervention suggests continued vulnerability for the currency.
  2. Nikkei Index: The indication of maintaining supportive monetary policy and the cautious approach to adjusting JGB purchases are likely to be received positively by equity markets. The Nikkei has historically benefited from easy monetary conditions, and the signal of continued support with gradual adjustments as needed should bolster investor confidence. However, any signs of faster-than-expected policy normalization could increase market volatility.


Governor Ueda’s comments reflect a BoJ that is cautiously optimistic yet prepared to adapt its policies in response to changing economic conditions. Investors and market watchers should closely monitor the underlying inflation trends and the BoJ’s responses to FX movements, as these will be crucial in shaping Japan’s economic landscape in the coming months. The central bank’s actions will have significant implications for both the Japanese yen and the equity markets, particularly the Nikkei.