Preview: Bank of Canada Interest Rate Decision

The Bank of Canada (BoC) is poised for a potentially pivotal monetary policy decision on June 5, 2024, at 13:45 GMT. Markets are highly anticipative of a 25 basis point reduction in the Overnight Rate, which would bring it down to 4.75% from the current 5.0%. This expected adjustment would be the first rate change since a hike in July 2023, and notably, the first decrease since the pandemic-driven cuts of March 2020.

Economic Context and Expectations:

The backdrop for the anticipated rate cut includes a combination of moderated inflationary pressures and underwhelming economic performance. Recent economic data suggests a slowdown, with GDP growth falling short of expectations at 1.7%—significantly lower than the projected 2.2%. Moreover, despite a positive surprise in recent employment figures, the general trajectory of the labor market points towards softening, aligning with the subdued economic activity.

Inflation, while easing, remains sticky but within the upper bounds of the BoC’s target range of 1-3%. The most recent figures showed a year-over-year rise of 2.7%, inching closer to the target but highlighting persistent inflation in non-tradable sectors.

Market Implications and Analyst Expectations:

The market’s expectation of a rate cut is solidly anchored by an 80% probability, as priced by futures markets. Analysts have underscored the alignment of softening core inflation and a cooling labor market as key drivers behind this consensus. Furthermore, remarks from BoC Governor Tiff Macklem have reinforced this outlook, suggesting readiness to adjust rates to sustain economic growth and manage inflation expectations effectively.

Potential Outcomes and Impacts:

  1. 25 Basis Point Cut: This is the most anticipated outcome, supported by the majority of economists and market participants. A cut would aim to preemptively mitigate recession risks and support economic activity amid global uncertainties, particularly with regard to ongoing adjustments in U.S. monetary policy.
  2. Hold Decision: Though less expected, maintaining the current rate could be justified if the BoC opts for a more cautious stance due to external economic threats or potential fiscal policy changes following the new government budget. Such a decision would underscore a strategic pause, allowing the BoC to assess further economic indicators.
  3. Future Rate Path: Post-June, the path of interest rates will heavily depend on evolving economic data and global financial conditions. The consensus among economists suggests a gradual approach to any further rate cuts, closely tied to inflation dynamics and economic growth trajectories.


As the date approaches, the Bank of Canada’s decision will be critical in setting the tone for the country’s monetary policy amidst global economic shifts and domestic challenges. The decision will not only affect financial markets but also offer insights into the central bank’s views on the economic recovery path post-pandemic and the ongoing adjustments in global trade and finance dynamics. The subsequent press conference by Governor Macklem will be pivotal in clarifying the future monetary policy outlook and its underlying rationale.