Preview: New Zealand’s Inflation Expectations Report

As the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) approaches its next policy decision, the focus is sharply on the upcoming inflation expectations report (5/13 0300GMT), particularly in light of recent guidance from international and local economic bodies, including the OECD. The report will play a crucial role in shaping monetary policy amid ongoing inflationary pressures and a challenging economic environment.

Economic Context and RBNZ’s Stance

The OECD has emphasized that New Zealand’s monetary policy must remain restrictive until inflation falls within the RBNZ’s target range of 1% to 3%. Recent statements from the RBNZ echo this sentiment, with the central bank maintaining a cash rate of 5.5% at its last meeting, signaling a continued restrictive policy to alleviate inflationary pressures. This approach is underscored by persistent inflation driven by high migration and domestic demand, which have exceeded the RBNZ’s initial expectations.

Inflation Trends and Economic Indicators

Inflation has shown signs of easing, with the RBNZ anticipating it to slow to around its 2% target in April, largely due to falling energy prices. However, the central bank remains cautious, with ongoing strong wage growth and services price inflation presenting potential risks of inflation creeping back above the target level. The upcoming inflation expectations report will therefore be critical in confirming these trends and helping to forecast the future trajectory of inflation.

Market Implications and Expectations

Investors and policymakers are keenly awaiting the inflation report to gauge the likelihood of future rate changes. Although there is some anticipation of rate cuts, the timing remains uncertain. The market has adjusted expectations several times, reflecting the volatile economic data and global economic conditions. Current market predictions suggest a conservative approach, with potential rate cuts being priced later in the year or even into 2025.

Key Data Releases and Their Potential Impact

Before the next RBNZ announcement, several important economic data releases will provide further context:

  • Labour Market Reports: Recent data suggested a softening labour market, which could influence inflationary pressures differently, potentially easing wage growth concerns.
  • Government Fiscal Position: The upcoming Crown Financial Statements will provide insights into the government’s fiscal health, influencing economic policy and spending decisions.
  • PMI and Construction Data: Performance of the manufacturing sector and construction output will also provide indicators of economic health and potential inflationary pressures.

RBNZ’s Communication Strategy

The RBNZ has maintained a balanced communication approach, stating that it is keeping an open mind regarding future rate moves and emphasizing a data-driven policy. This approach suggests that while the bank is prepared to adjust rates if necessary, it is not committed to a predetermined path and will respond flexibly to incoming economic data.


The upcoming inflation expectations report is pivotal for New Zealand’s monetary policy direction. With the RBNZ firmly focused on data-driven decisions, the report’s outcomes could either reinforce the current restrictive stance or pave the way for a more accommodative policy if inflationary pressures show clear signs of sustained easing. Investors and policymakers alike will be watching closely, as the implications will resonate through financial markets and impact economic planning and consumer confidence across New Zealand.